The purpose of this organization is to assemble individuals from industry and others who have a common interest, seek to attain, through association and consultation, the following objectives.
To encourage fellowship among members
To obtain and disseminate, through its members, the best and most modern thinking on safety in industry
To provide for the exchange of ideas and free discussion of all phases of industrial safety
To secure and provide for the membership the best obtainable speakers on safety and allied industrial subjects
To assist in the education of safety people and supervisory personnel in safe working practices
To assist in the awakening of the general public to the need for safe practices in all phases of life
To take an active part in all safety drives, conferences and educational programs at local, state and national level.
Originally Established June 23, 1955
Revised March 6, 1986
Article I
Sec. 1. The name of this organization shall be the Central Pennsylvania Safety Association.
Article II
Sec. 1. The purpose of this organization shall be to assemble individuals from industry and others who, having a common interest, seek to attain, through association and consultation and study, the following objectives:
a. To encourage fellowship among members.
b. To obtain and disseminate, through its members, the best and most modern thinking on safety in industry.
c. To provide for the exchange of ideas and free discussion of all phases of industrial safety.
d. To secure and provide for the membership the best obtainable speakers on safety and allied industrial subjects.
e. To assist in the education of safety people and supervisory personnel in safe working practices.
f. To assist in the awakening of the general public to the need for safe practices in all phases of life.
g. To take an active part in all safety drives, conferences and educational programs at local, state and national level
Article III
Sec. 1. Membership in the Association shall be divided into three classes; namely, Active, Life, and Honorary Membership.
Sec. 2.
a. Active Membership shall be open to all persons in the area who are engaged either part time or full time in any phase of safety work and have an active desire for education in safe practices.
b. Candidates for Active Membership shall complete an application form which will be submitted to the Membership Committee who shall in turn submit it with recommendations to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall elect or reject the Applicant by a majority vote.
Sec. 3. Life Members shall be Members, in good standing, who have retired from their primary job and have made application for Life Membership, and had such application approved.
Application for Life Membership must be made before the expiration of the applicant’s current yearly Active Membership. Life Members shall pay the same fee as Active Members except no yearly dues will be required if the Life Member applicant has served a minimum of four years as an Active Member in good standing immediately prior to a Life Membership Application. The year in which the Life Membership is applied for will be counted as one of the four years. Life Members will be entitled to vote and hold office, also entitled to all other Association privileges and may serve on committees.
Effective Date Membership Year 1981-1982.
Sec. 4. Honorary Members shall be persons of eminence in safety work or allied fields. An honorary Member shall not be entitled to vote or hold office.
Article IV
Sec. 1. The Annual Dues of the Association shall be set by the Executive Board and approved by the Membership.
Sec. 2. The fiscal year of the Association shall be from September 1st of one year to August 31st of the following year.
Sec. 3. Any member whose dues remain unpaid on December 31st of the year in which they are due shall cease to be a member, and his name shall be removed from the roster of the Association.
Sec. 4. A former member may be reinstated at any time by vote of the Executive Committee upon payment of current dues.
Article V
Officers and Committees
Sec. 1. The officers of this Association shall be President, two (2) Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer to be elected at the May meeting. The term of office shall be for the duration of one (1) fiscal year. The officers of the Association shall not succeed themselves in the same office except Secretary and Treasurer offices.
Sec. 2. President: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association and to the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint all committees that the President deems necessary to the successful operation of the Association. The President shall be Ex-officio of all Committees. The President shall, with the Secretary, sign all contracts and financial obligations of the Association as authorized by the Executive Committee.
First Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the First Vice-President to assist the President and to assume the President’s duties in the absence of the President. In the event the office of the President becomes vacant for any reason, the First Vice-President automatically assumes the Presidency. The First Vice-President shall also be Chairman of the Program Committee.
Second Vice President: It shall be the duty of the Second Vice-President to assist the President and, in the absence of both the President and the First Vice-President, to assume the duties of the President. In the event both office of President and that of First Vice-President are vacated for any reason, the Second Vice-President automatically assumes the office of President.
Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to record the minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee. These minutes shall be of a permanent nature. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as may be designated by the President.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect and have charge of all funds. These funds shall be deposited to the credit of the Association in such depositories as are designed by the the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall keep books of account of the receipts and expenditures which shall be available at all times for inspection by the Executive Committee or its duly appointed auditors. The Treasurer shall submit a report at each Membership Meeting. At the close of the fiscal year, the Treasurer shall submit a detailed financial report.
Sec. 3. The Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of the duly elected officers, all chairpersons of standing committees and two (2) immediate retiring past Presidents. The Executive Committee shall have charge of the supervision of all matters Pertaining to the Association activities, managing and conducting the business according to the Constitution and By-Laws. Executive Committee meetings shall be called by the President. All matters shall be decided by a majority vote. These meetings shall be called at the discretion of the President. Four (4) members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint an officer to complete any vacant unexpired term.
Sec. 4. Standing Committees: The Standing Committees shall be: Membership, Program and Education, Publicity, and such other committees as the Executive Board may feel essential to the proper fruition of the Association’s purposes. The President shall appoint a special Committee at the earliest possible date to formulate an organizational chart and manual of the duties and responsibilities of the Standing Committees.
Article VI
Sec. 1. The Association shall hold at least nine (9) monthly meetings during the fiscal year on the first Thursday of each month, or at the discretion of the President.
Sec. 2. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be in accordance with Article V., Section 3.
Article VII
The proposed amendment must be presented in writing at a regular meeting of the Executive Committee, then read on the floor of the first regular meeting of the Association.
It shall be referred back to the Executive Committee for study and recommendation.
At the first next regular meeting of the Association, it shall be presented by the Executive Committee to the Association with their opinion and recommendation.
A two-thirds favorable vote of the Club members in good standing, present at the regular meeting shall make the amendment a part of this Constitution and By-Laws, superseding any and all previous rules pertinent to the particular article, section or paragraph covered by the Amendment.
Article VIII
Sec. 1. This Association shall not be used to advance the political fortunes of any political party, individual or organization. Public questions of moral, civic, community or political nature may be presented to the Association membership for purposes of informing them provided, however, that both sides of any controversial questions shall be given opportunity for equal hearing and no attempt shall be made to place the Association on record as a body.
Roberts Rules of Order shall prevail at all meetings.
Recognition of Deceased
The Executive Committee shall be empowed to provide suitable recognition upon the death of a member or spouse.